Friday, July 24, 2015

The Pathological Controversy of Super Sanity

It has been a challenge to define sanity. The reasons arise out of the impulse to be guided by a range of what the prevailing era considers normal. While the range is broad it may still not be broad enough. The question then arises as to how much is broad enough. This question is answered conveniently on many occasions. The convenience in contention is largely determined by certain accepted norms so that the definition of sanity becomes somewhat truncated. At this point a circle is drawn which acts almost like a forcefield preventing strong deviations from accepted patterns of behavior from entering the designation of acceptance and hence they are not considered sane.

Although sanity is a drawn range, it seems to grow depending on a notion of collective- acceptance. When one talks about sanity one cannot help delving into the realm of perspectivism. This means that we may have different perspectives and act according to those perspectives but they are accepted as long as they do not cross the circle of normalcy or the broad range of sanity. It would then imply that what was not normal at one point may become normal if the circle expands and the range broadens. While this is convenient and makes life simple for the ones who fit into the circle it can be limiting as collective acceptance is still subject to evolution. You cannot determine with convenience clearly if the range has fully evolved.

One then embarks on the possibility of super sanity which is a layer where there are only visual fields and no sensational impacts on the person who is super-sane. One often discovers that there is no more anything to be cured and one is dropped in the well of motivational despair. When this happens one becomes a subject of what is called the pathological controversy of super-sanity. It becomes impossible to 'cure' or 'correct' any thought-process that is considered incorrect by virtue of the fact that it is only 'considered' abnormal but not abnormal for certain, in the absolute sene. You may start coining jargons, labels and phrases that may have a medical significance but not necessarily absolute significance. If this is the case then the whole circle is blown outside its field of relevance absorbing even the labeller into the well of motivational despair. Just imagine when there are only visual fields or perspectives that have no absolute relevance, what would happen to your inbuilt schema of what you consider as normal? Then the therapist is cured by his client on account of his condition or state of super sanity.

There is a Cold Feeling

There is a cold feeling in the air
Even in summers of rut and scare,
No temperature so much as outside
can compare with what your body hides.
Like a drop of honey texture can change
the human mind of uncertain range,
For you can convert what's outside inside like
and change the world to suit your psyche.
When will this feeling change for good
When you've not really understood
the difference between the body and mind
is to be trifled with by the one inclined.
There is a cold feeling in the air,
of which you must be aware
Warmth shall come in evening soon
Becoming of the wayward moon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Abducted by the Concord of Sweet Sounds

If a song can have power over you
Enough to control the rhythm of your heart
What may one say of the composer?
Who when immersed in the art
Commands the spirits to closure
Is he real enough to feel
The power when awake?
Is he deceptive enough to conceal
The grip of a bygone state?
Revel in the magic till it lasts
Before you realize it maybe too late!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I’m feeling a bit lost
Can you get me out of the woods?
Does it take wisdom to free
These arms held tight for good?
Can you see me searching?
Do you wonder if it’s you?
Can you see me in the garden
Or in the sky when it’s not blue?
If time is a healer
I know my relief is you
I may not be a believer
But I surely believe in you.
Approaching the dawn the curtains I drew
Away from my despair
I’m always open to you,
As winds threw me far
To places never seen before
In experience there is a star
Who knows what life has in store!
Are you the one I fail to see?
Or are you just a blizzard in my eye?
Disguises aren’t necessary
There is always truth in a lie.
While I’m in the sea shore
I feel the magic of your presence somewhere
As faint light creeps in and withdraws
I become in every sense self-aware,
Please feel free to try out
A course of life incredibly true,
Even if there aren’t many sea shells
I know somewhere there is always you!

Ode to Bertrand Russell

You say ‘Love is wise
Hatred is foolish’
But as is the case when the known displays to you
A cloud where only those who love can actually hate
There is a flower then there is a thorn
It is the indifferent human being
Who neither hates nor loves
Like the lifeless pale moon that you referred to as consolation
The wasted pursuits of some men and women are thankfully consumed by the leveler called ‘time’
For the lines in between social vibes
Prove wooden apathy being the root cause of worldly suffering
Far from the traditional wisdom of attachment being the root cause of perennial pain
The deepest cut is by the coldest knife
What is worse?
-        Expressions of passionate verses by the attached
The caustic emissions of cold rationality by the apathetic

Who is anyone to decide?