Saturday, May 28, 2016

Physiological Perception and Psychological Perception

Perception as an idea cannot be restricted to the functions of biological mechanisms. It is important to tell the difference between 'impact on body' and 'impact on feeling'. Impact on body is sensory while impact on feeling is a sensation. Sensory perception is physiological, while a sensation is about living the moment, which is because of the impact. It is a psychological perception. Touching fire leads to physiological reflex while feeling the heat of an argument is psychological. Yet, the idea of perception distorts your understanding of perception on the whole as an actuality. By giving life to the experience, a sensation is experienced simultaneously. There are some sensory perceptions that overlap, making it difficult to discriminate between the moment of the body and the eclipse of its mechanism.

A mirage is an illusion, no doubt. Is it physiological or psychological? An optical illusion is hard to categorize in this regard. It could be due to both physiological and psychological mechanisms. These perceptions are common at large. They constitute shared reality. Illusions, overt and covert are shared. They are also part of the experience of shared reality. As a result, illusions are real in their own right. They just have a different semantic value from sensory perceptions that enable what "we" consider to be stability without deception. In both pragmatic and para-pragmatic realms illusions are experienced as realities. They have an impact on the body. Their impact on feeling is an entirely different matter. There is an appeal to reason and the cognitive awareness of it, challenges reason itself pointing to its limitations.

If your perception is unusual and others do not experience it, they may find you rather impossible to believe. It is said to be a subjective experience. Its reality cannot be denied purely because it is not shared by the rest of the population. At any rate, remote as it may seem, subjective perception cannot be denied. It may have some physiological or psychological basis. Factors alien to the external world do not justify dogmatic dismissals. From the depths of thought, you learn that Physics is never quite beyond metaphysics. The realization that shared reality has a boundary, throws you outside its confines. You then discover that both physiological and psychological perceptions have unique signatures.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Where Does Originality Come From?

Originality is found only in simplicity. With technology at our disposal, people have lost something very vital to their existence and that is their individuality. Use technology as a platform to give voice to your expression. Abuse it and there is no self and no originality. Design is mistaken for art. Art is in the thought that goes behind what you make. Without thought, design is empty of meaning. That thought or idea comes from being with yourself. This simplicity can appear sullen and destitute to the philistine, but therein lies originality.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Romantic Editor

Standards are many
Subjective and cranky
Yet accuracy is expected
In the name of logic.

Language is abused
Punctuation overused
Just to protect a profession
called copyediting.

Apply your mind
the supervisors say
Command of the language
is of no assistance,
Vocabulary is of no relevance
Too distracted for copyediting
and too analytical for copywriting.

The romantic editor needs a place
even if he is a misfit in disgrace;
With emphasis on call to duty
Perishes linguistic beauty.