Friday, September 30, 2016

Do Words Disappear?

As I can see, great many individuals read under competitive pressure. There is a tendency to associate reading with learning. For every word that you read, the imagination has escaped your mind. You see the words in every line of every page. But where do they go? Do they disappear? I am tempted to say that these words are not ideas by themselves. I refrain from saying that only because as a reader, I am in mind the only one. What about you? Do you find yourself in your mind or do you cease to exist by becoming a reader. You may be curious to know if the thoughts and phantoms of the author fill your vessel. Your vessel is never really empty.
Your vessel can never really be full.

The brain is not an organ when you are alive. It is devoid of any value or significance when you receive the thought, character and essence of the author. As the words pass you by, you do not see the meanings in a vacuum. You sense the thought that eventually completes itself at a point of disambiguation. A point where no camouflage is possible. But what do you understand? What do you let pass by? A meaning so insanely incoherent that your soul does not let in, finds its way into your brain  now filled with insolence. You read but you do not reflect. You remember but you do not absorb. You quote but you never truly understand. Whenever you quote you are always misquoting the author, if you cannot appreciate the cognitive convulsions of the author. Do words disappear? Have you killed them for the brand of your intellect? If you surrender meekly to the demands of the eyes of trend and horror, what you have only done is to deplete in vain every pulse of your self esteem. In so doing, you adorn the unreal pride of readership at the expense of clarity of the author's thought and character. Words have disappeared indeed!

You may read a book a day. You are merely replacing one author with book with another. The authenticity of your mind is doomed if there is no absorption. You have no place for the author in you...the author who is you and you have a lot left to unlearn my dear friend.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Please Fund My Common Sense

A man is made by the company he keeps. It is the upbringing by guardians and peers who exert a profound influence on his sense of who he is. That is why it is important to be selective about your friends. Genetic engineers might as well do research on bread and butter instead of genetic predispositions. Our bread and butter is eaten up by these life scientists through institutional funding. If every man has to do everything for himself then nothing will be achieved. If every man is left to fend for himself, then we will have a planet of lost souls. Over and above this nuisance of capitalism, why fund the biological scientists who labour in delusions in the name of clinical research? Nature has made everyone differently and everyone has a certain uniqueness that gives them strengths. They come with deficiencies as well. This is why everyone needs to help everybody else. This cannot happen in an artificial system where everything is based on process and inheritance. Biological and medical sciences cannot change people to suit the ideology of power mongers and plutocrats. It is going to be a matter of time before they face the truth.