Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Concept Of Significance

Hands can touch not only what the eyes can see. Where there are bread crumbs, ants are bound to come together. Supposing you pick each crumb and keep reducing it, the ants will retreat as the crumbs gradually fade away into nothingness. A Physicist may argue that you are left with atoms, sub atomic particles ad infinitum and that you can never do away with existence. But then those ants are not after atoms. They are after a biological significance. The body like the mind signifies what it can see only and what satiates it acquires a significance of necessity. What it can't notice, its impulse denies. The ants themselves are minute yet complex. A man relative to the cosmos is minute but is also as complex to himself as the ant is to itself. When his presence is lost, other beings deny him because the ties have vanished along with their consciousness of him. What he does may never affect them and what others do may never affect him.

Going by the established fact of the physicist, there is the infinity in the finite. The ants' finite survival of their infinity depends on the crumbs that are significant to the extent of guaranteeing their survival. Man too follows suit. Suppose I see a dark cave. I notice its darkness. My consciousness depends on my sense perception for I notice nothing there. But it is possible that there may be a creature there. Significance is intangible matter. When it disintegrates you can't measure it.

Nothingness too is as immeasurable as infinity. A glass full of air is as full as a glass full of water. The one who drinks it makes it different. This is because he can only drink water. He can't drink air the same way. From the point of view of thirst air cannot quench his thirst and is for this purpose biologically insignificant. The body depends on sensation. The mind depends on measurement. There is only a gross difference between the two. Body is not conscious of an object that does not fulfil its sensation. The mind cannot assess what it cannot measure to the effect of plain judgement. Neither is self reliant.

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